Manifesting the Manifesto – SECAC 2023 Presentation

In October 2022, I presented Manifesting the Manifesto: Toward a Recognition of Design’s Culpability in the Mess We Are in and Ideas for a Way Forward at the SECAC Annual Conference in Baltimore, MD. The presentation was made during a session about design ethics chaired by designer/educators Johnathon Strube and Saskia van Kampen.
Manifesting the Manifesto presents some of my initial research on how design can be practiced outside capitalism’s traditional structures. It starts with an analysis of the First Things First manifestos and how they have morphed in the years since the original was published in 1964 and today. It then looks at critiques of capitalist structures from Frederic Jameson, Slavoj Žižek, and Mark Fisher. Then it reviews many of the concepts in Frank Chimero‘s book The Shape of Design which defines one of design’s roles as future-making and gives some ways designers can engage responsibly in that endeavor. I then introduce some of my initial ideas of what a design practice outside of traditional capitalist structures may look like.